Author: Alexie Beovich
This increase in funding to both high performance and participation represents the largest increase to sport for at least 10 years.
While all of the details and impact for Hockey in Australia are still to be understood, this decision by the Government is extremely encouraging for the sport sector.
HA CEO Matt Favier said: “The value of sport and the benefits it delivers towards for young people, to communities, to our general health and our wellbeing as a nation, along with sports ability to inspire future generations should not be underestimated.
"Hockey Australia is pleased that the Australian Government has upped the ante by investing more money into the Australian sports industry, the biggest increase in many years.
“We are delighted that last night’s Federal Budget will benefit the sport of hockey in a variety of ways. Ensuring that the hockey footprint in schools can be expanded through the extension of the Sporting Schools funding is reassuring and supports our ambition that more Australians are able to experience hockey more often.
"The additional support leading into Tokyo 2020 is also of critical importance to ensure that Australian teams are best prepared. When coupled with the proposed increased investment to the emerging athlete pathway area, which has long been under-invested, this is a fabulous outcome for the Australian high performance system.”
Hockey Australia was a winner as a recipient of the recent Sport Australia “Move It AUS: Participation” grant funding announced by Senator Bridget McKenzie Federal Minister for Sport through will fast track the implementation of the Recreational Hockey Plan, as well as participating in a significant physical literacy pilot program to be led by Professor Dick Telford.
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