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Rules Of Field Hockey


As the international governing body for hockey, we are responsible for the rules of Outdoor Hockey (11 a-side), Indoor Hockey, Hockey5s, Beach and Para-ID Hockey. Below you can download the rules for each format of the game.

Outdoor Hockey (11 a-side)
Get the interactive FIH Rules of Hockey App now! At the convenience of the touch of a button, you can be sure to have the latest rules of Outdoor Hockey on-the-go. Covering the must-know for both players and umpires including a Quiz feature and Videos.



We update our rulebook every two years so it’s worth checking you have the latest version. The 2019 edition of the rulebook, which comes into effect on January 1st 2019, is available below, along with the previous 2017, 2015 version and amendment from February 16th 2016.

FIH Rules of Hockey 2019 (621.3 KB)
Hand Protection Measuring Box.pdf (75.2 KB)


Indoor Hockey
Following a comprehensive review of the Indoor Rules following the 2018 Men’s and Women’s World Cups and having received very helpful suggestions from a number of NAs and Continental Federations, the Rules Committee issue a revised version of the Rules of Indoor Hockey. The revised version has been approved by the Executive Board and has an implementation date of 1 October.
The objectives of the new rules are to:
1) To make the Outdoor Rules and Indoor Rules as consistent as possible;
2) Incorporate feedback from players, officials, coaches , National Associations and Continental Federations;
3) To simplify the Rules wherever feasible;
4) To make the sport the most attractive to players, spectators and broadcasters alike

Rules of Indoor Hockey 2019.pdf (886.2 KB)


Hockey5s was created for the Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing and has been hailed a great success. The current rules are available below along with guidelines for umpires on this new format. FIH is committed to evolving Hockey5s into a sport that young people love watching and playing so watch this space!

Hockey5s Umpires Briefing 2016 (210.5 KB)
Hockey5s Rules - 2016 (260.4 KB)

Beach Hockey
The FIH will be promoting Beach Hockey as a complementary version of the sport to traditional 11-a-side hockey, Indoor Hockey and Hockey5s.

Beach Hockey Rules - 2016 (275.4 KB)

Para-ID Hockey
Para-ID Hockey is a further complementary version of the sport. The Rules of Para-ID Hockey are below, together with a Short Version of these Rules.

Para ID Rules - 2016.pdf (203.8 KB)
Para ID Rules - 2016 (Short Version).pdf (180.8 KB)

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Got a question about the rules of the game? See if yours makes our ‘greatest hits’ in this list of frequently asked questions. 1.What is the role of the Rules Committee?The Rules Committee produces rules for indoor and outdoor hockey by: Specifyi…

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