School Kit - Junior 30 Bundle (Sticks, Shinpads, Balls, Bag) - Just Hockey


Terms & Conditions

1 By accepting the AHS sponsorship offer received by email you agree to represent the Australian Hockey Sponsorship and your chosen brand to the best of your ability throughout the duration of your sponsorship. You are bound to the Terms and Conditions of the sponsorship from the moment you purchase equipment from participating stores using your AHS sponsorship. 
2Once your account details are updated and your sponsorship is approved, the agreement lasts 12 months from the date of approval. 
3 Each field player is limited to 2 sticks, 1 bag and one pair of shoes per year and each goalkeeper is limited to one of each item off the AHS product list (per year). 
4The sponsorship is a two way beneficial deal where by we allow you access to some of the best hockey brands at greatly discounted prices and you actively promote these brands. This includes playing, social media, word of mouth and other avenues of promoting the brand to the best of your ability. 
5You agree to use the purchased Hockey Sticks, Bags and accessories (where possible) during matches, trainings and coaching. 
6You must try your upmost to not cover the labelling on your stick. 
7You agree to allow Select Sports to use your name, image and photographs if and at all when possible. Examples include the Just Hockey, social media and print. 
8You are encouraged to 'follow' the brands and stores social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, You Tube and Twitter). This is a great way of you actively promoting the brand that has invested in you via AHS. 
9AHS will add your details to a sponsored players emailing list for all the latest news and technology. You can unsubscribe at anytime but please note this is the main way of us contacting you. 
10If you are found to be using a brand not covered within AHS, SelectSports reserves the right to terminate your sponsorship agreement. 
11AHS reserves the right to terminate or revise this agreement should you breach any of the terms and conditions. If any issue is found with pricing Just Hockey has the right to resolve the issue in a fair manner or cancel the order entirely.

AHS at any time reserves the rights to cancel the arrangement between player and company.
